NCWLIFE Channel to Broadcast Four AppleSox Games
/The Wenatchee AppleSox are expanding their television broadcasts in 2019. Last season, the AppleSox began broadcasting all home games and will continue to do so in 2019 with the exception of four Saturday night games.
June 22 vs the Highline Bears, July 13 vs the Bellingham Bells, July 27 vs the Portland Pickles and Aug. 3 vs the Yakima Valley Pippins will all be broadcast on the NCWLIFE Channel.
The NCWLIFE production crew will use four different cameras to provide unique coverage of those four games. This is the first time that AppleSox games will be broadcast on local television.
“We’re very excited to expand our television network,” AppleSox owner Jose Oglesby said. “We hope this provides another fun way for our fans to connect with us and feel like a part of the action if they can’t necessarily make it to the game.”
Fans can catch the games and other local news and sports through LocalTel: Channel 12, Charter: Channel 19 or
Eric Granstrom, the ‘Voice of the AppleSox’ from 2000-06, will broadcast four Sox games for the NCWLIFE Channel this summer. Here he is pictured with his daughter, Gracie, in the broadcast booth in 2003.
In addition, the original ‘Voice of the AppleSox’ Eric Granstrom will provide the play-by-play coverage of all four games. Granstrom was the AppleSox radio broadcaster from 2000-06 and is currently the program and sports director of the NCWLIFE Channel.
“We are very excited to add AppleSox Baseball to our lineup of local programming on NCWLIFE Channel,” Granstrom said. “Broadcasting local sports makes up over 15-percent of our programming, so it only makes sense to add the AppleSox to the mix. We see the NCWLIFE Channel as a spotlight and reflection of the community in which we live and work. We’re proud to partner with an organization such as the Wenatchee AppleSox that positively promotes good values and hard work.”
Before those broadcasts, Granstrom will toss out the first pitch before the AppleSox take on the HarbourCats on June 4 at 6:35. He’ll join AppleSox broadcaster Joel Norman on air for the fourth, fifth and sixth innings of that evening’s broadcast.
“It’s hard to believe 20-years has gone by since we broadcast the first game back in 2000!” Granstrom said. “I LOVE doing baseball on radio because it gives you a chance to paint the picture for those listening at home unlike any other sport. I’m really looking forward to the opportunity to join Joel in the booth on June 4th.”
All four games that will be broadcast on the NCWLIFE Channel will still be broadcast on the AppleSox Radio Network. Sunny FM, the flagship station for AppleSox broadcasts since 2013, will again broadcast all 58 AppleSox games in 2019 with Norman providing the play-by-play coverage.